Mångfaldens dilemman: Medborgarskap och - Gleerups


För individen, kollektivet eller industrin? – Om upphovsrättens

Or, as Hakansson and Lundgren (1997) argues, a path cannot exist in vacuum, it must in some way be related to other paths, other structures. "The critical issue must be: what constitutes a crossing? Given the basic definition of path, The path dependency effect is so strong that the reactions of players to almost all the starting configurations in the second part of the tournament are the opposite across groups: for example, when 2© is in Up position, and Colorkeeper has his key card 2§ in hand (see hands 17 and 32 in Table 4), almost all the players in the 422 group use the 422 strategy , while in the 442 group the Path Dependence in Aggregate Output STEVEN N. DURLAUF (Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin at Madison, WI, 53706-1393 and National Bureau of Economic Research, USA) This paper studies an economy in which incomplete markets and strong complemen-tarities interact to generate path dependent aggregate output fluctuations. An economy 2011-06-13 path dependence (usually uncountable, plural path dependences) ( countable ) A situation in which the outcome varies with the route taken.

  1. Stockholmsbörsen historik 30 år
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The Path Dependence of European Copyright. S Larsson. SCRIPT:ed. A Journal of Law, Den Stigberoende Upphovsrätten. Om konsekvenserna av rättslig  My research has focused on path dependent processes in the Swedish and Scandinavian transport sectors. In addition, I have recently been interested in  1 Jan 2003 Van Gerven M. Den stigberoende socialskyddsreformens breda spår. Such institutional legacies sustain path dependence, where policy  20 Mar 2017 Om integrationspolitikens stigberoende [Critical junctures of diversity.

Åsa Boholm Forskarworkshop i Pathways 5 november 2009

förmån för ett mer kortsiktigt, är ”path dependency”, eller på svenska,. ”stigberoende”. Stigberoende omfattar motstånd mot och hinder för  Inom samhällsvetenskap och fysik används begreppet path dependence, stigberoende, vilket kan erbjuda en förklaringsmodell. Engelskspråkiga.

Stigberoende path dependency

STIGBEROENDE - Avhandlingar.se

Stigberoende path dependency

stigberoende eller spår- bundenhet ("path-dependence"). Politiken hänger samman över tiden. Ur denna 25 år  om ”path dependence”, stigberoende, för att förklara organisationers inriktningsbeslut och förändringsoförmåga. Innovationer och nyskapande aktiviteter är  7 May 2018 Temporary, income-dependent or ongoing “Socialbostäder och stigberoende. Varför har vi [Social housing and path dependence. Why do  industry is dependent on the university in the sense that it is the universities the path dependency approach it is necessary to differentiate between the long and 1995 – ideologi, ekonomi och stigberoende, Diss, Umeå Studies in E path dependency.

Stigberoende path dependency

-Under organisationens historia fattar man vissa beslut och då  Denna artikel analyserar den Europeiska upphovsrattens stigberoende (path dependence) i termer av en rattslig inlasning oformogen att anpassa sig till nyare  Kontrollera 'stigberoende' översättningar till engelska.
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Inherent in the concept of path dependence is the point that no set of institutions should be regarded as perfect just because they are the result of … Path Dependence, Competition, and Succession in the Dynamics of Scientific Revolution John D. Sterman • Jason Wittenberg Sloan School of Management, E53-351, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 Department of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 Abstract In this set of lectures, we cover path dependence. We do so using some very simple urn models. The most famous of which is the Polya Process. These models are very simple but they enable us to unpack the logic of what makes a process path dependent. We also relate path dependence to increasing returns and to tipping points.

Addressing climate change requires transitioning away from coal-based energy. Recent structural change models demonstrate that temporary interventions could induce permanent fuel switching when transitional dynamics exhibit strong path dependence.
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Köp Varför så olika? : nordisk bostadspolitik i jämförande

-Under organisationens historia fattar man vissa beslut och då  Denna artikel analyserar den Europeiska upphovsrattens stigberoende (path dependence) i termer av en rattslig inlasning oformogen att anpassa sig till nyare  Kontrollera 'stigberoende' översättningar till engelska.

Bo Bengtsson - Uppsala University, Sweden

The y ar e not, however, inefficien t i n.

Results show that Uppsala, in theory, has potential for adaptability. An awareness of path dependency within the planning process can also be identified. 3.2 Path Dependency 10 3.3 Non-Critical Business Studies 13 3.4 Glossary 14 4 Research 15 4.1 Mission Statement 15 4.2 Value Proposition 15 4.3 Organisational Structure 16 4.3.1 Offices 16 4.3.2 Main Board 17 4.3.3 Members & Affiliates 18 4.4 Global Music Report 2017 19 5 Analysis 22 5.1 Main Board & RIAA: Geopolitical Power 22 psychiatry, psychiatric disability, normality, recovery, path dependency, stigma Keywords [sv] psykisk funktionsnedsättning, normalitet, stigma, återhämtning, stigberoende, psykiatri National Category Psychiatry Social Work Research subject Sociology Identifiers In order to avoid path-dependency, lock-ins and missing sustainability targets, ECSs should to a higher extent incorporate planetary boundaries, social foundations and a critical perspective on economic change in their inquiries. They should also combine different methodologies. Combining To be able to discuss the topic more deeply, following theories are described; path dependency, ecological modernization, the risk society, political ecology and the center-/periphery theory.