HSP / Högkänslig personlighet · Psykolog Online


Presentation om högkänslighet

But, also, as an HSP, I get exhausted from them quicker; following a long period of socializing, spending some time alone is crucial to me.” Jenna relates to this opinion: “It’s difficult yet stimulating to be on both side of the mood spectrum- you receive energy from social situations and this makes you happy but it comes at the price of an immense tiredness which is absolutely draining.” Het soort gezelschap is hier de sleutel; van de ‘juiste’ mensen krijgt de extraverte HSP energie, dit in tegenstelling tot de introverte HSP die in elk groot gezelschap vermoeid raakt. Als de extraverte HSP te veel thuis zit – en dus te veel rust krijgt – zullen ze rusteloos worden of zelfs ongemotiveerd en depressief. 7 Tips to stay healthy and happy for a HSP-HSS. My own experience made me want to write this article and I found many articles and books on the internet that resonated with me and I was very happy to discover that there are more people like me.

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Dr. Elaine Aron, author of The Highly Sensitive Person, estimates that about 70 percent of HSPs are also introverts, so it makes sense why they’re often confused for one another. I had heard the term High Sensation Seeker (HSS) before, perusing various HSP sites or on Google hits…but I had always brushed it away as not pertaining to me. If there’s anyone who takes to holing up in her house, it’s me, a little mouse cozied in the tiniest crook, morsel of cheese nearby. HSP DOES. Klicka här för att Tvärtom för extroverta. Högkänsliga kan även vara högt sensationssökande (HSS).

Sensitive personlighet — talet kommer att ligga någonstans mellan

We’re not coaches or therapists. We are HSPs holding… 2020-09-19 · Autism, HSP – are they different names for the same, or similar, things? The simple answer is no, they are very different…. It puzzles me that people ask this question, because in my mind they are two are very different things, but since it keeps popping up on Facebook and in my group for HSP Extrovert Women, I thought it might be helpful to address it in a blog post.

Is an extrovert hsp the same as an hss_

Högkänslighet - Högkänslighet

Is an extrovert hsp the same as an hss_

An appearance of both traits may be misdiagnosed as Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, anxiety, or even ADHD/ADD. A lack of vitamins (such as D or B12) or a thyroid disorder may also contribute to the anxiousness in HSP or restlessness in HSS. So along with introverts, extroverts, and HSPs, there are also High Sensation Seeking Highly Sensitive People. Elaine Aron calls them HSP/HSSs. High Sensation Seeking means a person seeks out activities or behaviors that allow them to reach a high mental or physical arousal level. This does not have to be a thrill-seeking activity–like base-jumping HSPs can be either introverts or extroverts.

Is an extrovert hsp the same as an hss_

According to Tracy M. Cooper, Ph.D., author of Thrill: The High Sensation Seeking Highly Sensitive Person , sensation seeking “can be thought of as a greater willingness (and openness) to approach new stimuli and new situations.” I may be an extrovert, but I also fit many of the criteria for an HSP! Is this possible?
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All HSPs, whether introvert or extrovert, possess four main characteristics as identified by research psychologist, Dr. Elaine Aron in Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person (2010.) These four are: D.O.E.S. The Extroverted HSP & HSS. You keep seeing people, trying new things and enjoy to live life to its fullest, until one day you are completely worn out because you neglected the signals of your body. As an extrovert highly sensitive person and high sensation seeker, you love to be busy and you have an active social life.

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HSP / Högkänslig personlighet · Psykolog Online

All HSPs, whether introvert or extrovert, possess four main Conversely, the extroverted Highly Sensitive Person craves the social activity—but in a certain amount, not above their desired threshold. Dr. Elaine Aron playfully refers to extroverted HSPs as such: “Those pesky 30% of sensitive people who were describing themselves as talking a lot, liking to meet new people, having a lot of friends, and HSPs can be either introverts or extroverts. However, when it comes to HSPs who are also HSS, Dr. Cooper writes that a whopping 90 percent of them are introverts(!). This adds another layer of complexity to your already unique blend of traits.

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It helps me discover what balance looks like in my life within the E and HSP context: a balance I have been searching for ~ for many years. I am looking forward to learning how to honor my E and HSP and balance both successfully. ” June 2017 ~ Monika, Oregon, 2017 As coincidence would have it, the topic of HSPs, highly sensitive persons, started being discussed in one of the introvert LinkedIn groups I belong too, at the same time this guest blogger, Jenn Granneman, emailed me her post. It’s so spot on. Now, keep in mind, you can be either an introvert or an extrovert and be an HSP. Wat herkenbaar. Ik ben zowel introvert als extrovert, afhankelijk van mijn energie, daarnaast HSS en strong willed. Ondanks mijn leeftijd (65 jr) voelt het nog steeds weleens als balanceren op een koord.

Taking things personally is the name of the game for an HSP.I’ve learned to manage it throughout the years, and shrug things off for the most part, but the smallest gesture of not saying good-morning when you walk by my desk/cubicle still hits me straight in the heart.